CAIR-NY Condemns Nassau County Mask Ban That ‘Paves the Way for Political Censorship’

Photo Credit: Nassau County

(NEW YORK, NY, 8/7/2024) – The New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NY), part of the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today condemned Nassau County for passing a mask ban that CAIR-NY says “paves the way for political censorship.”


This new law, yet to be signed, allows law enforcement to require individuals to remove their masks if there is "reasonable suspicion" of intent to commit a crime. Failure to comply can result in fines of up to $1,000 or up to one year in jail. Although the ban exempts face masks used for health or religious reasons, the ambiguous criteria for enforcement and the potential for misuse present significant risks for student protesters and the Muslim community.  


SEE: Nassau County Approves Mask Ban After Fiery Public Hearing  
Masks Could Be Banned in Public in Nassau County, With Some Exceptions 


In a statement, CAIR-NY Supervising Attorney Lamya Agarwala stated:

"Outlawing anonymous dissent in an era of mass surveillance is not the answer to public safety.  


“The ambiguous definition of 'reasonable suspicion' heightens the potential for profiling and discrimination, as it leaves ample discretion to officers to assess why someone may be covering their face. It paves the way for political censorship, particularly amid fears of doxing, violence and excessive policing against pro-Palestinian supporters. This ban further comes with significant public health risks by forcing people to risk jail time to protect themselves and others by wearing masks.” 


Last week, CAIR-NY issued a statement on the proposed legislation. 


SEE: CAIR-NY raises Public Health, Free Speech Concerns About Nassau County Proposed Mask Ban 

Earlier this year, CAIR-NY advocated against over-policing at protests. 

SEE: CAIR-NY Condemns NYPD SRG, For Violence Used Against Bay Ridge Protesters 

SEE: CAIR-NY Calls on NYC City Council to Disband the NYPD SRG, Invest in Community Programs Instead 

CAIR-NY's mission is to protect civil rights, enhance understanding of Islam, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.

La misión de CAIR-NY es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensión del Islam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los Estados Unidos.

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Afaf Nasher, Esq., CAIR-NY Executive Director, 917-669-4006,;

Saira Amar, MPA, CAIR-NY Communications Coordinator,

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