Rally and Friday Prayers - Stop NYPD and CIA Repression

We are part of the fabric of this great country and we must take our place in the movement for civil rights; we must act to protect our rights and the rights of all Americans to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness! **
Join us for Rally and Friday Prayer

To Demand:

1. An immediate end to all racial, ethnic and religious profiling

2. The dismantlement and disclosure of all surveillance operations

3. An independent commisssion to investigate all NYPD and CIA operations against the Muslim community.

4. The immediate protection of our right to freedom of worship, free speech, and free association, and….

5. The equal protection, under the law, of Muslims and all people of New York.

Sponsored by:

Majlis Ash-Shura of Metropolitan NY, Arab Muslim American Federation, Council on American Islamic Relations- New York (CAIR-NY), Desis Rising Up and Moving! (DRUM) Muslim American Society-NY, Al-Awda NY: the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, the Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood, Social Justice Task Force of Muslim Alliance in North America, Muslim Bar Association of New York, National Lawyers Guild-NY.
Please contact nov18rally@gmail.com to endorse or co-sponsor.

Press ReleasesCAIR-NY