CAIR–NY takes all reports of discrimination, harassment, and hate crimes very seriously.  However, we are unable to accept all cases. Completing this form and any subsequent communication with CAIR-NY does not guarantee that we will be able to provide you with legal services.

Unless and until CAIR-NY agrees to take your case, you are solely responsible for any and all deadlines which might apply to your specific situation (deadlines on bringing claims or lawsuits may also be called ‘statutes of limitations’).

We will respond to your complaint as soon as possible.  However, due to the high volume of requests for assistance, please allow at least 7-10 days after submitting this form for a response. A response from us does not automatically mean we will take your case.

If you are facing imminent danger, please stop filling out this form and immediately call 911.

If your request is urgent (for example, you have an upcoming meeting, court date, or law enforcement matter) please describe the urgency in the form and call our office at (646) 665-7599. If you have a non-legal request, please email

ALL reports are confidential, but completing this form does not establish an attorney-client relationship.