Earn Reward and Protect Rights

Dhul Hijjah is one of the most blessed months of the year, use this time to seek Allah’s rewards and donate to CAIR-NY.

Imagine a state where we couldn’t practice our Islamic rituals. Just over a year ago CAIR-NY was advocating against a law that would have threatened the Qurbani tradition. Alhamdulillah the law didn’t pass. Support CAIR-NY and help us continue to fight for our right to worship freely.

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Every Donation
Makes a Difference


Be a Helper of Good



Be a Believer of Fairness


Give What You Can

Be a Caller for Equality


Law Enforcement Questioning

Whether it is at the airport or at your front door, CAIR-NY represents muslims on the government’s discriminatory “watchlist” and who face unjustified intrusive questioning.

Vicious Hate

CAIR-NY represents those viciously assaulted for their Muslim identity or national origin. Pushing for hate crime charges and giving a voice to victims as they demand action from the police and district attorney.

Unequal Govt. Response to Covid

Though the State Dept. boasts about bringing over 100,000 stranded citizens home. It ignored the desperation of Muslim-Americans stuck in Yemen. CAIR-NY assisted in coordinating flights for hundreds of Yemeni Americans to come back home.

Help Us Fight all Year Long

CAIR-NY protects the civil liberties of and empowers American Muslims. CAIR-NY serves Muslim New Yorkers through legal advocacy, education, media relations, civic engagement, and grassroots mobilization. Protecting those who have experienced discrimination, harassment, hate crimes, and more. We combat Islamophobia and systemic discrimination in all its forms.

This fight is a constant battle and so, we’re appealing to you to support us beyond Ramadan. Please consider making a monthly donation and help us keep protecting your rights.