CAIR-NY Supports Hate Crime Investigation of Alleged Feces Attack

(NEW YORK, NY, 6/25/2024) – The New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NY), a chapter of the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, welcomes the hate crime investigation of a bike-rider who allegedly threw feces into an open car window.  

On Saturday, June 22nd, local law enforcement reported that a suspect approached a 32-year-old man driving his vehicle and directed several anti-Jewish remarks at him. Moments later, the suspect threw a bag of dog excrement at the victim’s window, which ended up inside his vehicle. 

SEE: Bigot on bike in Manhattan shouts antisemitic slurs, throws dog feces at man 

In a statement, CAIR-NY Executive Director, Afaf Nasher, Esq. said: 

“We welcome the hate crime investigation in this disturbing case. Attacking anyone based on their perceived faith is immoral and illegal. Religious animus culminating in harassment or violence can never be accepted in a free society."  

Earlier this month, CAIR-NY welcomed the arrest of a suspect who allegedly ripped off a teen’s hijab.  

CAIR-NY's mission is to protect civil rights, enhance understanding of Islam, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.

La misión de CAIR-NY es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensión del Islam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los Estados Unidos.

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Afaf Nasher, Esq., Executive Director,, 917-669-4006;   

Saira Amar, MPA, CAIR-NY, Communications Coordinator,

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